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Tobias Schmid

your freelancer for


Discover the depths: professional freelancer and passionate diver

By day, I’m a digital marketeer, creating strategies and designing stuff for the internet. Mixing creativity with smart thinking, I am enjoying the wide range of tasks in the online world. But when the weekend hits, I’m off on a whole different adventure – diving into the deep blue sea.

What’s cool about my journey is how I combined my passion with my professional career. While I’m exploring the underwater world, I’m also just a click away, ready to work as a freelancer for your business from wherever I happen to be. Oh, and did I mention my partner in crime? My girlfriend Kathryn – a talented graphic designer, illustrator and divemaster – adds her artistic flair to the mix.

Whether working as a freelancer or exploring our oceans, I’m excited to invite you to be a part of this adventure – one that’s all about going after what you love, while staying flexible along the way.

But Tobi, where does your experience for marketing come from?


2010 - 2013

Training industrial management

From accounting till marketing, purchasing till HR – over three years I learned everything about an industrial company.


2013 - 2018

Marketing Manager

I manage global exhibitions, events, and coordinate diverse marketing projects for one of the biggest personal safety equipment producers worldwide.


2015 - 2018

Diploma Business Management

Combined with my responsibilities as a marketing manager, I successfully completed my business economics studies.



Asia and Australia

It’s time to travel and experience new cultures! For more then one year I lived and worked in Australia and also discovered my passion for diving.


2020 - 2023

Assistant Sales Manager DACH/EEU

I oversaw diverse marketing and sales projects in the DACH region for one of the biggest and most innovative plant pot producers in the Netherlands.


2023 - today

Online Marketing & Web design

To create more flexibility in my life and follow my passion, I freelance for various companies, agencies, and entrepreneurs.

But Tobi, where does the experience for marketing come from?

But Tobi, where does the experience for marketing come from?


2010 - 2013


From accounting till marketing, purchasing till HR – over three years I learned everything about an industrial company


2013 - 2018

Marketing Manager

I manage global exhibitions, events, and coordinate diverse marketing projects for one of the biggest personal safety equipment producers worldwide.


2015 - 2018


Combined with my responsibilities as a marketing manager, I successfully completed my business economics studies.



Asia and Australia

It’s time to travel and experience new cultures! For more then one year I lived and worked in Australia and also discovered my passion for diving.


2020 - 2023

Assistant Sales Manager DACH/EEU

I oversaw diverse marketing and sales projects in the DACH region for one of the biggest and most innovative plant pot producers in the Netherlands.


2023 - today

Online Marketing
& Web design

To create more flexibility in my life and follow my passion, I freelance for various companies, agencies, and entrepreneurs.

Education and Courses

The perfect solution for your business


Bringing visions to life

Portfolio preview

Customer Opinion

Tobias built our website from scratch and we couldn't be happier with the result. He did a great job on how it looks and it functions perfectly. The website means a lot to our growing business in terms of sales and presentation and we can notice it's success in the amount of bookings received. Communication and working together with Tobias is very easy, clear and pleasant. He is still maintaining our website until today, gives us insights and helps us to improve our performance.

Owner & Manager of lekkerdivers
Customer Opinion

Herr Schmid hat unsere Erwartungen in jeder Hinsicht mehr als erfüllt. Er ist zuverlässig, arbeitet schnell und besitzt umfassendes Know-how. Seine Kommunikation ist klar und effektiv. Vielen Dank für die hervorragende und zielführende Zusammenarbeit. Gerne wieder. Beste Grüße!

CEO IM INTERIOR Design Hub Berlin
Customer Opinion

Tobias supported the elho online and consumer care team for several months in a very flexible and highly qualitative way. He helped to prepare the launch of our German webshop. Among others by translating and optimizing German texts and he took care of all the consumer questions related to our new German webshop. Elho is based in the Netherlands, Tobias worked from a distance; from Germany and from Asia. We did not experience a difference.

Manager Online, elho
Customer Opinion

Mit Tobias Schmid an meiner Seite fühle ich mich stets gut betreut. Sein positiver Elan und seine Freude an der Zusammenarbeit ist sogar über den Bildschirm spürbar. Was mir besonders gefällt? Tobias Schmid bleibt einerseits zäh an längerfristigen Aufgaben und ist andererseits offen für neue Lernprojekte. Um meine digitale Präsenz in verschiedenen Kanälen auszubauen, bin ich froh mit Tobias Schmid zu arbeiten und kann Herrn Schmid als Freelancer für Marketing sehr empfehlen.

Didaktik-Trainer, Orbium Seminare Berlin
Customer Opinion

Herr Schmid geht sehr individuell auf seine Kunden und deren Wünsche ein. Ein großes Plus ist, dass er sich wirklich Gedanken macht, was die beste Lösung im Kundensinn ist.
Ich habe in der Vergangenheit mit vielen Marketingagenturen zusammengearbeitet und selten so eine professionelle Art und Weise erlebt. Herr Schmid denkt mit und nimmt auf diese Weise viel Arbeit ab.

Selbstbehauptungs- und Resilienztrainerin

Let's talk about your project!

I am always happy to get in touch with new people. Discussing the concept of an exciting project, developing new ideas or just for a coffee and a chat - let me know how I can support your business. The first meeting is always free on charge!