I really enjoy coding with Mosh. Mosh Hamedani is a fantastic teacher who excels at breaking down complex programming languages into simple, easy-to-understand lessons. His practical approach and clear explanations make learning enjoyable and effective. With his guidance, I’ve been able to create real-world applications and build a strong foundation in coding.
Something I really enjoy learning and growing my knowledge about. Together with codecademy, I am developing my skills in software engineering. Starting with the basic skills for Front-End developing, I am eager to discover new programming languages and use this skills on challenging projects.
Google skillshop offers courses in Online Marketing, Google Ads, Analytics, and more, providing me with the knowledge needed to analyze and understand the digital landscape. Staying up-to-date with one of the biggest search engines is essential for successful marketing strategies.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry counts as one of the biggest and most important institutions for business education and trainings in Germany. Combined with my business management studies at VWA in Nuermberg, I created a solid foundation of economical knowledge. With that skillset, it is easy to understand big industrial companies with their processes and needs.
Letter of recommendation: